The demonstration in this video uses a range of techniques to construct a macro that can be replayed reliably, including text objects, the surround plugin, using registers as a clipboard, and for storing keystrokes (macros). These are summarized below.
If you would like to try building this macro for yourself, you can download the source files:
Moving around
If you need to move around whilst recording a macro, it is best to do so in such a way that it can be replayed in another context. In this demonstration, I move the cursor by searching for a pattern that delimits each region of the document that I need to edit. In particular, I search for the heading using the command:
This matches a Markdown style h1
To return my cursor to the navigation list, I search backwards for the closing
There are a couple times when I need to add an attribute to an HTML tag. In
both cases, my cursor is positioned on the opening angle-bracket, so I use the
key to jump to the closing angle-bracket before entering insert mode.
Making a selection with text-objects
When selecting a paragraph of text, I need to use a command that will work when the macro is replayed on different length paragraphs. I can do this using the text object:
A similar command comes in handy later, when I need to select the text inside an HTML tag:
Adding opening and closing tags with the surround plugin
The surround.vim plugin makes it really easy to wrap a selection with opening and closing tags. When a visual selection has been made, you can execute a command such as:
Which will prepend <li>
and append </li>
to the selected region. Note that
if your selection was made in visual character mode, the opening and closing
tags will be applied directly before and after the selection. Whereas if your
selection was made in visual line mode, the surrounding tags will each get a
new line of their own.
Using registers
In Vim, each of the letters a through z can be used as a register. In this demonstration I use registers in two ways:
- as a clipboard (for copy/paste operations)
- for capturing and replaying a sequence of commands (a macro)