Dive into Neovim, with thoughtbot Upcase
I’ve produced 10 new screencasts for thoughtbot, on the topics of Vim 8 and Neovim. The videos are available now for Upcase subscribers as the course: Dive into Neovim (you can watch the first 3 videos for free).
thoughbot have exclusive publishing rights on these videos for a limited period. I will eventually publish the whole series here on Vimcasts.org for free, but you’re going to have to wait for them. If you’re eager to see the videos now, you can subscribe to Upcase. They have lots of great courses on topics like Vim, Ruby, TDD, git, and tmux. (You might also enjoy the Navigating Ruby Files with Vim course that I produced for Upcase.)
Here are the topics that are covered in the Dive into Neovim course:
- Packages
- minpac
- Meet Neovim
- :CheckHealth
- Neat little Neovim features
- Neovim’s terminal emulator
- Create mappings for :terminal
- Pasting into a terminal buffer
- Sending commands to a terminal buffer
- Neovim-remote as preferred editor
I’m pleased with how these videos turned out and grateful that thoughtbot sponsored the work. I couldn’t have made them otherwise.