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We can use pandoc as a filter to clean up WYSIWYG-generated HTML. Pandoc is a commandline program, but we can call it from inside Vim either using the bang Ex command, or by configuring the formatprg option to make the gq operator invoke pandoc.

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With the fugitive plugin, you’re not limited to just working with files in your working tree. The :Gedit command allows you to open files in other branches, and to browse any git object, including tags, commits and trees. Plus, if your repository is hosted on github, you can easily bring up the webpage for any git object using the :Gbrowse command.

This is the penultimate of a five part series on fugitive.vim.

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The vimrc file allows you to preserve your settings so that they are restored each time you launch Vim. But what if you want to update your vimrc file in the middle of an editing session? This episode demonstrates a couple of tricks that make it easy to customize Vim on the fly.

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This episode demonstrates a few techniques for tidying up whitespace. First, it looks at how to convert between tabs and spaces. Then it shows how to strip trailing whitespace, and finally, how to remove blank lines from a file.

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Different file types may require particular whitespace settings. For example, YAML files must be indented using spaces, whereas makefiles require indentation with tabs. These preferences can be specified by hooking into the FileType event with an autocommand.

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